Mrs. Mary M. Edmonds Obituary
Last Rites For Mrs. Mary M. Edmonds
Funeral Services were Held in the Baptist Church Tuesday Afternoon - Rev. Speary, a Friend of the Family, Had Charge of the Services - Large Crowd Present to Do Honor to Mrs. Edmonds - Laid to Rest in Lake Cemetery
Funeral Services for the late Mrs. Mary M. Edmonds were held in the Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Rev. High Speary of Clinton, an old friend of the Edmonds family, conducted the rites with the assistance of Rev. Homer DeLozier. Carl Konantz directed the funeral.
Numerous old friends of Mrs. Edmonds filled the church, there to pay their respects to this woman whose high ideals were symbolic of that institution. The floral offerings again bespoke of the esteem in which she was held.
A male quartet composed of Messrs. H. F. Joyce, C. A. Quillin, F. A. Lee and Glen Brown sang three old hymns, In the Sweet Bye and Bye, Rock of Ages and Home of the Soul. Mrs. Dimple Moore Haddock was the accompanist.
The casket bearers were Messrs. Reed Boles, Ward Staats, Louis Sharp, Dr. C. E. Duckett, C. B. Perry and C. H. Hagins. The honorary pall bearers included: Earl Rutherford, George Ward, J. H. Wagaman, Jim Bonnay, Ed Isenhower and Emery Isenhower.
Following the services at the church, the mortal remains of Mrs. Mary M. Edmonds were escorted to the Lake Cemetery and reverently laid to rest.
The Lamar Democrat
June 7, 1940
Submitted by Phillip Rector on January 18, 2002.