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On Friday night last there gathered at our opera house the largest audience ever there, in attendance to witness the graduating exercises of the class of 1889, of the Lamar High school. The seating capacity of the opera house is fully one thousand, but it failed to accommodate the vast throng that sought entrance at the door, and many were compelled to go away, not being able to find standing room. The audience was good natured however, and everybody carne with flowers with which to reward those whose efforts on the stage and in the school room, met with their favor and approbation. The music on the occasion was most excellent and was furnished by Miss Patti Spring, pianist, G. A. Seyffert, violinist, J. Argenbright, ()liver Hast and Albert Hays. This was a most pleasing feature of the programme and was much enjoyed by all who had any music to their souls. At the opening Rev. W. P Summers was announced. His invocation was most earnest and eloguent, full of feeling and pathos, and referred to those who were about to undertake the responsibilities and cares of life, in a most feeling manner.
Kate L. Chiswell, representative of the junior class, and the salutatorian was then announced. The young lady acquitted herself with much credit. Her subject, "Modern Inventions and Discoveries," gave her a wide field, but sensibly she classed and grouped themm and in an excellent manner presented her views. -
Miss Mattie Whaley, valedictorian of the junior class, was then announced. Her subject wat "Work and Win," and she handled it splendidly. Her thoughts were practical and pointedly expressed. She don't believe in eating without work. Yet we have so many instances in and around the city of Lamar, where the contrary is exemplified from day to day. This life is not a holiday, we should be up and doing, if we expect to accomplish much. Her address to her classmates was appreciated fully.
After some beautiful music by the orchestra, Miss Luella M. Humphrey, the salutatorian of the senior class was then introduced. Her subject "Man is governed by Irrevocable Fate," was unfortunate. No young person should begin life with a view that her future was governed by fate. It is true that Miss Luella argued from her standpoint very ably and forcibly and she showed many instances where it seemed that fate had controlled lives. But we can assure the lady that many men make circumstances rather than circumstance making them. Miss Humphrey's essay was well written but we cannot agree with her on the subject matter. Never give up to fate, fight it out on this line.
John L. Manifee was then introduced. He had chosen for his subject "Man Socially and Morally." Mr. Manifee seemed at home on the stage and was at his ease. He knew what hr had written and he had written his views. He overdrew the picture somewhat, regarding the influence of each and every individual. Tis true that we all possess a certain amount of influence and exert it for good or evil. But there are many whose lives are spent without making much stir in the world, or exerting much influence in the lives of others, they are merely passive, negative. Inherited qualities of this individual as suggested by him met our full approbation, but we can change this by effort arid education. Mr. Manifee’s effort on Friday night was very creditable to him indeed.
Miss Amy J. Patterson was then announced. She had selected for her subject "The Morning Dawns." The only way possible for any one to fully appreciate this essay, would be to read it and then read it again, and then have it read aloud. The language was most beautiful, the word painting was grand, and showed the beauty, the power, force and elegance of our language. The delivery was not so good, but we miss our judgment sadly, if the lady fails to become a contributor to literary magazines and newspapers. We would be pleased to see her essay in print.
At this point we were favored with music, after which, William J. Leech, was introduced. His subject "The necessity of Self Culture," was ably and successfully handled. His sentences were not rounded, his language not flowerery, on the contrary it was strong forcible and in many instances blunt; but it carried conviction. He spoke of grit and pluck, and it was plain to be seen that the young man drafted largely on both in gaining the eminence he has already attained. If he will continue he will win-bound to win. Young Leech's effort has been highly commended by very many who heard him.
"Poets Neglected" by Carrie C. Tamblyn was then presented. We are drawing it mildly when we say the young lady surprised everybody in the audience except her teachers and her classmates. The subject matter, delivery and expression were perfect. It has not been our pleasure to listen to anything that pleased us so much. Miss Tamblyn is indeed endowed with eloquence, she touches the most tender chords of the heart and one goes with her as she speaks, glancing first at this picture bright and beautiful, until another grander and more sublime is shown. But, Miss Carrie, it is as you say, poets and poetry are neglected in this day and age of hurry and bustle, this day of money getting and money making, and the cold business eye of the world sees but little in the Poet unless money is to be made out of his wares. It is a blessed thing that the true poet lives in a world of his own. Yet nearly all of us have within us a love of poetry, but we smother it in the interest of practical things in our daily life. The paragrapher of today is more prized in business than the poet.
John R. Bozarth was next introduced. His subject was "Self Knowledge." Mr. Bozarth has been very ill for some weeks, and was evidently scarcely strong enough for the undertaking. His essay was full of good things, showed study and careful thought, it showed also that the young man is possessed of indomitable energy and will get there.
After music by the orchestra, came Miss Eva Marie Cox, the valedictorian of the senior class of 1889. She is a beautiful young lady and on Friday night she looked a queen. She is smart, intelligent, graceful, and her very appearance elicited applause. She had selected for her address "Now is the Springtime, the Harvest will follow." Her essay was very fine, indeed, and qery prettily presented. She had won the honors of the class by being given the position of valedictorian and the honors were worthily bestowed. Now indeed is the springtime of the lives of the class of 1889, and how beautifully it was pictured. "What will the harvest be?" can only be told in years to come. Let us hope that each one may act well his or her part and that when the harvest is done and the sheaves garnered, that there will be enough of good, enough of usefulness, enough of the practice of charity, enough of humanity to mankind, and enough of justice in the lives of all to commend them, all for a welcome to that "temple not made with hands" eternal and in the heavens. Miss Cox's farewell to the class and teachers was very fine. Immediately after she had finished, the floral tributes were bestowed on all the graduating class. None were neglected and when the exercises were over the stage looked like a bank of flowers. Prof. Riley addressed class. His remarks were timely and full of wisdom. The exercises on Friday night show him to he a man of superior intellect, a teacher in love with his profession and a man who never loses sight of the advancement of those entrusted to his care. C. M. Robinson, of the school board, then presented the diplomas to the graduating class, at the same time addressing them for a few moments in a very interesting manner. The following comprise the graduating class of 1889: John R. Bozarth, Eva L. Burr, Locky Crecy, Eva Marie Cox, Ida C. Elam, Katie Fitzpatrick, Olivar Fink, Rosa Hoffman, Luella Humphrey, Carl Lemon, John Manifee, Clare Lemon, William J. Leech, Nina Medick, Frank Medick., Amy Patterson, Anna Steelman, Cynthelia Sanford, Carrie Tamblyn, Edgar Wilson and Anna Ward.
After the presentation of the diplomas Prof. Riley announced that M. L. Barth, our prominent merchant, had donated a full set of Dicken's works to the scholar whose essay, expression and delivery should be adjudged the best, and the Rev. H. M. Cole in behalf of the committee presented the same to Miss Carrie Tamblyn. It was difficult to decide, when all did so well. The evening was enjoyed by all who attended. It was good to be there. It was good to he there. It would be wrong to close this article without reference to the remarks of Rev. H. M. Cole. He was suddenly called on to perform this delicate task. He did it beautifully, what he said and the manner in which he said it was commented on favorably by the audience. It was a glorious occasion. The Lamar High school is among the best in the land.
Submitted by Randy Penner on September 15, 2002.