Mr. Chas. E. Robinson and Miss Mollie Cole



Robinson---Cole--- At the residence of the brides parents, in Lamar, Tuesday evening, Feb. 9, 1889, Mr. Chas. E. Robinson of Kansas City, to Miss Mollie Cole, Rev. Young officiating. Only- the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. The ceremony was followed by an elegant banquet.

The groom is a son of Mr. R. B. Robinson, formerly a well known lawyer of Lamar, and now a resident of Kansas City. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Samuel Cole, and a sister to Representative John B. Cole.

The congratulations of their many friends go with them to their future home at Kansas City. We understand that quite a number of elegant presents were made.

Submitted by Randy Penner on September 14, 2002.






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